WM used "thinkgreenrewards.com" to encourage street-side recycling by awarding points which can be redeemed for coupons and products.
The system was integrated through webservices with various outside providers.
The difference to "greenopolis" was that this site here encouraged recycling using street-side pickup, whereas greenopolis had a lot of social media (blogs, videos), and encouraged kiosk based recycling. Maybe more deciding, both sides had different internal business units running them.
- Worked on remote virtual team; agile development.
- Lots of support work: database queries, fix code and bugs, add new features.
- Reworked the main registration form to heavily use ajax, and meet legal requirements.
- Implemented an admin dashboard with functionality that automatized many processes and pulled up special customized reports, including upload/download of CSV files.
- Site was previously merged with greenopolis.com and hosted in the same Drupal install, and had to be split off. This meant cleanly separating hundreds of thousands of database transactions and lines of codes.
- Implemented lots of custom business logic modules
- Many Forms, inclusive Ajax behavior and multi-page forms (communities, field-reps, routes)
- Allocation of points,
- Views: exposed custom data to views and wrote filters using Views API.
- E-Commerce was done using Ubercart.
- Entertainment Book webservice integration
The development was done similar to SCRUM, where timed production release cycles were planned by choosing various tickets from a backlog in a Trac system. For each release, there was a development phase, followed by a strict QA cycle. The system was version controlled using Git and Jenkins, and I designed a clean branching strategy. All developers were virtual on the team. Communication was done using ongoing chat (IRC), email, and live document sharing using Google docs and other digital tools.